Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So for the past 3 weeks i have had this weird scaly pink patch on my chest. I thought it was a bite of some kind and thinking it would just go away in a few days i never worried about it. Well 3 weeks later i wake up with little red bumps on my stomach so instantly i think i have been bitten by something and instantly washed my sheets. Well yesterday i woke up to a million red bumps all over my stomach, upper thighs, back, and neck!!! I freaked out! Since the patch of skin was still there i knew it had something to do with it, so where do we all go when we have serious questions or concerns??? Yep the INTERNET, i looked up a bunch of photos of different rashes and found one that looked exactly like the one i had, it was called Pityriasis Rosea. I was pretty confident that this is what i had but i wanted to be sure so i wouldn't stress myself out wondering. Today i went to see the Dr. I told him everything and showed him the damage and guess what he tells me....."Um, Shannon i know exactly what this is, it is good and bad....the good news is it is Benign but the bad news is it can last up to 3 months!" "It is called Pityriasis Rosea". YES! I was right...but wait, What?? 3 months? Turns out that this is pretty common but they don't know what causes it or have anything to treat it. I can use ointment or a antihistimine for the itching but it has to go away on its own. The good news is it isn't contagious, thank goodness for that or else we would be dealing with a lot more problems! So here i am with an annoying rash that i can't do anything about, i just sure hope it doesn't last that long...freak it is going to be SUMMER soon!!!!


  1. yay shay i am so proud of you, you are doing so good at blogging. yay :)

  2. Sad! I'm sorry you have a rash. I got such a bad rash when I was pregnant with Weston and I was MISERABLE! Good luck!

  3. I found your blog by googling my diagnosis. I have the same thing! No bikinis for me:( Just wanted to let you know, that there are people out there that feel your pain:(
